Headstones, Grave Markers, Monuments, Stone Signs
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201 Crafton Rd. Goldendale, WA 98620
Still some price changes and delays that continue.
Things are starting to level out a bit.
Please check with your cemetery about any regulations they might have concerning headstone size, style etc.

Headstones range in types and sizes from simple, flat markers
(sometimes called grass markers) up through large monuments.
There are several common shapes and each shape comes in a
variety of sizes and colors.
Flat Markers are designed so the top surface of the stone is installed flat
with the grass. These markers come in various sizes ranging from 8" by 16"
up through 12" by 48". The 3rd dimension listed on these markers is the
thickness, usually 3" thick. So: 8x16x3 means 8" tall, 16" wide, 3" thick.
These stones can also be done in the upright position and set in a concrete
pad. You can purchase a flat headstone through our online store in one of
three sizes, 8x16, 10x20 or 12x24.
Beveled Markers have a slanted face making them easier to read and can
sit on top of a stone base or on a cement pad.
Slanted Markers stand up, with a polished sloping front face. The back is vertical and unpolished, though can be polished at additional cost. The formal inscription is placed on the polished sloping face. It is also common to engrave on the back of the stone at additional cost. Because the stone is sloped, it sheds water better and needs less long-term maintenance. These markers have an optional matched stone base.
Monuments stand vertical and also come with matching granite bases. Inscriptions can be placed on both sides of a monument.
If you are looking for a larger stone, or need help with a custom design, please Contact us and let us help you with a design.
The Pioneer Rock and Monument Team